Location: Parkersburg, West Virginia, United States

A West Virginian by choice, a layman with no higher education. Just your average WVian who feels it is time normal people get involved and try to bring about the fundamental changes necessary to make West Virginia and the Nation all it can be. I will watch the issues plaguing West Virginia and the rest of the country and try to offer a perspective that is not available anywhere else. A Layman’s point of view. Email: I invite your candid comments and may even reply.

Sunday, January 23, 2005

The legislature goes into special session tomorrow without first being given a plan from the Governor. Although the administration claims to have a plan, it has not been widely available to legislators. This comprehensive plan is being sold by the Governor has not been seen by many, maybe none of our legislators. We do not know if he has enough support to carry through.

Why would the Governor call into special secession, a legislature that has no idea, other than what has been talked about in the press, what he intends to do about raising more than $200 million every year for the next 20 years. Where is the money coming from to fund this grand adventure. It will come from the people of West Virginia and the companies that employ them.

I wonder how much the company I work for could afford to pay me if it were not so over taxed. If it did not have to pay more tax than companies in other state just across the West Virginia border.

We the people of West Virginia, need to soon realize that our employers are being squeezed. They would have us believe the tax structure has nothing to do with the fact that companies are leaving and new one will not come.

We all want more just like everyone else, but we don't want it from the state. Nor do we want to state taxing our employer to the brink of extinction.


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