Location: Parkersburg, West Virginia, United States

A West Virginian by choice, a layman with no higher education. Just your average WVian who feels it is time normal people get involved and try to bring about the fundamental changes necessary to make West Virginia and the Nation all it can be. I will watch the issues plaguing West Virginia and the rest of the country and try to offer a perspective that is not available anywhere else. A Layman’s point of view. Email: I invite your candid comments and may even reply.

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Legally Last Again

Despite recent changes in law to help to get our legal system under control, West Virginia finds itself dead last again. How could that be? Perhaps the answer is simpler than one would expect. The legal system across this country is out of control. Other States and the federal government have enacted legislation to correct many of the injustices that are occurring. WV was one of the last to do so and simply did not do enough. As usual, too little, too late.

We need more tort reform and fewer lawyers deciding to become trial or plaintiff council. You see the trial lawyer market is saturated. There are simply too many of them trying to get rich to be bothered by normal and routine cases so they are forced to create new and innovative ways to create litigation worth bigger bucks. They prey on juries who fail to realize that they and their fellow citizens are the ones who will pay for the awards handed down to litigants where the lawyer gets to keep 30 or 50 percent of the haul.

If the market was based only on need, then why would lawyers have to advertise there services as they do. If justice were the real reason for such suits, then why do so may lawyers advertise the desire to handle only serious injury and wrongful death? Because that’s where the money is and it’s not about justice anymore. It is always about the money and too few are benefiting from the litigation lottery at the expense of the rest of us.

Wake up WV. Stop electing lawyers and demand reform from your legislators.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Two words:
Loser pays.

3:30 PM  
Blogger Laymansview said...

Works for me.

11:43 AM  
Blogger The Apostate said...

I think you're way off base on this one. The fact is, there just aren't very many gigantic verdicts or settlements, especially in Wood co. Mostly because everyone has the same attitude as you: Greedy Plaintiff's are ruining the world. Do you know of any big verdicts lately? I'm not talking about some huge verdict against Enron in some other state, I mean someone in wv who had a personally injury and cleaned-up in court and lives lavishly?

It's a bad feeling to be injured because of someone else and then have to fight for years to get the ins. company to pay, and not for you to get rich and retire, but to pay long overdue medical bills.

5:17 PM  

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