Location: Parkersburg, West Virginia, United States

A West Virginian by choice, a layman with no higher education. Just your average WVian who feels it is time normal people get involved and try to bring about the fundamental changes necessary to make West Virginia and the Nation all it can be. I will watch the issues plaguing West Virginia and the rest of the country and try to offer a perspective that is not available anywhere else. A Layman’s point of view. Email: I invite your candid comments and may even reply.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Not About Race

Most anyone who disagrees with Obama’s agenda is labeled a racist by the media and left wing pundit’s. I disagree with Speaker Pelosi, Senator Reid and other like minded liberal leaders in this country for some of the very same reasons. It has nothing to do with their race either. Nothing. In fact, I like most informed people do not even think about the Obama’s race or anyone else’s race for that matter. It’s all about policies and they know that. They only scream race because they have trouble making a credible argument on the merits of a given issue.

I am concerned about the apparent direction he is taking this country. His beliefs are not at all similar to mine. I believe we as Americans have the right to respectfully disagree and to talk in public about our views without being labeled a racist.

I, more than anything want for this great nation to continue to be great, However, I am convinced that the direction in which we are being pointed by Obama, Pelosi and Reid is the absolute wrong course we should follow. I believe getting back to what made this country great will come closer to salvaging our future than any of the radical changes being fostered by the left.

Such things as personal responsibility and financial discipline for all including our government is what will carry us in the end. No longer can we look to the government to provide what we historically provided for ourselves. Bigger government involvement in every aspect of our daily lives only serves to create even more inefficiencies and drive our costs to live even higher.

Yes, we need healthcare reformed. No, the government should not be in charge of healthcare. There are other ways to make healthcare more affordable than turning it over the most inefficient group in the world, the government.

The real problems we are facing on a global level have more to do with our government than many have taken the time to realize. The real reasons jobs are leaving the US are because of the IRS, EPA, OSHA, Lawyers, and Courts.

We are over taxed, over regulated, continuously being sued and the courts are taking away our constitutional rights bit by bit and piece by piece. Less and less seems to be standing in their way. Most growing nations do not burden their private or corporate citizens to the extent in which we do.

It seems clear that no one in Washington understands what this nation needs because they have all forgotten what it is made of. People, good strong people who will do what is necessary if government will get out of the way. The only hope we have is to get rid of all lifetime politicians and replace them with new and real Americans.

Don’t vote for incumbents. They brought us to where we are.


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