Laymans View

Location: Parkersburg, West Virginia, United States

A West Virginian by choice, a layman with no higher education. Just your average WVian who feels it is time normal people get involved and try to bring about the fundamental changes necessary to make West Virginia and the Nation all it can be. I will watch the issues plaguing West Virginia and the rest of the country and try to offer a perspective that is not available anywhere else. A Layman’s point of view. Email: I invite your candid comments and may even reply.

Friday, January 19, 2007

No More Laws

Imagine if most of our congressional and legislative delegation were elected from one industry. Let’s say 65% come from the glass industry. I would suspect plastic would have a hard time of it with all of the laws and regulations that would be generated requiring the use of glass and limiting the use of plastic. Think of all the uses where plastic has replaced glass over the years. Glass bottles are a thing of the past but that would not have been the case if the glass industry had been able to get more of its people elected. Over the years the industry would have continued to get strong and it could have strangled the life out of the plastic’s industry or any other product that attempted to infringe on there ability to grow, proper and control.

It really doesn’t matter what industry we chose to make this example, the results are the always same. If and when any single group of like minded people control anything, there position will always dominate the course on which this nation will travel.

That is why is it ludicrous for us to continue electing lawyers. They represent the overwhelming majority of elected officials at both the state and federal level. Law schools keep making lawyers so they continue to find new ways to earn a very good living at the expense of all of the other industries. Yes, we need laws and we need people qualified to insure justice will stand at the end of the day, but we don’t need another lawyer politician making ever more laws simply to make it easier for their industry to grow and prosper. Lawsuits are a drain on our economy and only the lawyers are getting filthy rich while other industries are dying a slow death and taking the jobs with them.

If I could write one law that everyone would understand, I could do it in one sentence. “There shall be no new laws”. I think we have more than enough.

Steve Adams for President?

Who would take serious a presidential candidacy that was not born from an established political machine like those run by democrats and republicans. Steve Adams is serious about trying to run a grassroots campaign for the White House. While he appears to be lacking in political experience, his political views are refreshing enough to make you dream of the day when politics was about the people, for the people and not about the candidates themselves and the special interests they represent.

Politics in this country has evolved to the point where simply speaking, he who has the most money wins nearly every time. Wouldn’t it be great if a credible individual who possesses great character and strong moral values could overcome the financial obstacles necessary to make a serious run for the highest office of the land? What would most Americans be willing to do to help elect a person who was beholden to no one and who truly understands the role of government which is to serve the people.

Ask yourself, would you vote for a non politician for President if you knew he understood the issues and what it takes to govern for the people and run a government of the people. We have all become so accustomed to the status quo that we unwittingly accept politics as usual. We seem to have lost the ability to think outside the box as we continue to vote for the lesser of two evils. Career politicians, most of which are lawyers, are what is hurting our ability to control an out of control government. Perhaps Steve is right, we need to think out of the box and only then can we get back to where we once were when we had certain expectations of our political leaders and when they did not meet them, we voted them out.

It might require great courage on the part of Americans to vote opposite the flow and out of the box. That may be just exactly what will be needed to change the course on which we travel.

I don’t know yet if Steve Adams is the person who can generate the necessary support and demonstrate his ability to make a serious run against the established parties, but I think it’s fun to dream of the day when someone deserving of the chance can and will.

I encourage everyone to read Steve’s thoughts and you may find that he is saying all of the things you feel.

Good Luck Steve and Good Luck to the United States of America Under God.

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Good Ol' Boys At Work

The appointment to fill the vacant judicial seat in Wood County has left a lot of folks wondering. The issues raised are not about JD Beane, but are rather an issue of how the system can be manipulated to serve those in control of the system. It is not about whether JD Beane should represent the 10th district in the past or in the future. JD has demonstrated his ability to serve the 10th and his past performance was judged on Election Day when voters reelected him. It is also not troubling that Delegate Beane was being considered to fill the vacant seat on the bench in place of Judge Hill. It appears that most folks would be content with that appointment as well.

The problem is the way it was done. There were two problems facing Wood Countians and more particularly the people of the 10th district. One is that Wood County needed a judge appointed and should be able to expect that to be done in due course. A reasonable time to have done so had long since elapsed. Whether it is Delegate Beane or someone else who is equally qualified to fill the position, the appointment was long overdue and should have been made in a timely manner.

The second problem is that the current administration stalled the appointment so that they can control who is appointed to fill the 10th district seat vacated by the appointment of Judge Beane. In essence, the people of the 10th district clearly had their right to select their representative circumvented. It appears that the Manchin administration clearly and knowingly manipulated the system to serve their needs rather allowing the system to work as it was supposed to and allow the voters to decide who represents them.

It doesn’t stop there, the Wood County Democrat Executive Committee stacked the deck so as to limit the Governor’s ability to appoint anyone other than who they wanted to be appointed. They did that by appointing three candidates as required by law, two of which they knew would never be appointed and were unelectable. One because the voters had already voted her out of office a long time ago and the other was clearly not qualified for the position. What that left was a man with no prior experience who clearly represents and supports the unions and the causes fostered by them. Representing the unions is not necessarily bad unless you refuse to consider other points of view before rendering a vote. The problem as I see it is: that he can never vote against any union cause or on any issue. If he does, he would loose his day job as a union representative.

Just another example of the “good ol’ boy” politics that the democrats have played for years to maintain control of the state’s political machine. Things will never change in any significant fashion until voter’s generate the courage to vote these guys out of office. If you want change, then quit voting for the guys who have controlled the state for decades. We have no one to thanks for West Virginia’s current financial condition, except the democrats who have controlled everything for as long as anyone can remember.